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Never had mice or rats as pets before...

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1 - Never had mice or rats as pets before... Empty Never had mice or rats as pets before...

Post by DesiDawnD36 Sat 18 Jul 2020, 12:18 am

Ok so... I am new at this. I have never had or even thought I wanted a mouse or rat as a pet. But 4 days ago my mom and I went to do some shopping at Walmart and found not 1 but 2 not quite fuzzies at the time (they had no fur but they had the color). so I googled the feed and care of orphaned mice and rats and we bought a bunch of supplies. Three days ago they got peach fuzz. They are grey from head to tail on top and apparently white on the belly. They weigh nearly 4 grams and are still blind but their ears have started to separate from their heads. We have named Them Shamrock and Irish due to how lucky they were to still be alive and not squished by cars going through the parking lot. There was a third but it was unrecognizable when we found them. Any way, somehow I have managed to keep them alive so far but once they are weaned what do I do with them? I live in a public housing unit and am only allowed 1 pet, and I already have a kitten. Shocked I don't want to just release the poor things but I can't keep them either. By the way they are both female. 1 - Never had mice or rats as pets before... 20200710
The one on the left is Shamrock, the other is Irish.

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1 - Never had mice or rats as pets before... Empty Re: Never had mice or rats as pets before...

Post by DesiDawnD36 Sat 18 Jul 2020, 1:42 am

And could someone please help me figure out what kind of mice these are? and how old they will be when they open their eyes? Please and thank you.

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1 - Never had mice or rats as pets before... Empty Re: Never had mice or rats as pets before...

Post by DesiDawnD36 Sat 18 Jul 2020, 9:41 pm

Just an update... the littlest of the two babies Irish has passed... not sure why but her sister is thriving... I didn't realize how painful it is to loose a creature you have only been caring for for only a few days. This SUCKS!Crying or Very sad Angel

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1 - Never had mice or rats as pets before... Empty Re: Never had mice or rats as pets before...

Post by Peachy Mon 20 Jul 2020, 4:21 am

I’m sorry for your loss, thank you for showing her kindness. Heart
No fur but color puts a typical house mouse around a few days old, and the baby in that picture looks somewhere between 6-10 days, so it lines up with your timeline. Eyes should open over the next several days, usually around 12-14 days. This doesn’t look like a house mouse though. Is her belly white?

We do recommend releasing wildlife. You could try to find a rehabilitator who can help you with this process. If that’s not workable, we have some info in our Wild Mice thread.

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1 - Never had mice or rats as pets before... Empty Re: Never had mice or rats as pets before...

Post by DesiDawnD36 Mon 20 Jul 2020, 3:05 pm

as far as I can tell her belly is white it's just a little fuzzy but she is doing so well. she squirms ALOT. LOL I have to switch between putting the formula on my hand and using the dropper directly. She hasn't quite opened her eyes yet but sometimes she doesn't want to go back into the little tub that I have set up for her to go to sleep. Instead when I try to put her down she climbs right back into my hand! 1 - Never had mice or rats as pets before... 20200712

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1 - Never had mice or rats as pets before... Empty Re: Never had mice or rats as pets before...

Post by DesiDawnD36 Mon 20 Jul 2020, 3:10 pm

She didn't want me to take her picture. Laughing

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1 - Never had mice or rats as pets before... Empty Re: Never had mice or rats as pets before...

Post by MerciToujoursMaPetiteBoop Mon 20 Jul 2020, 5:58 pm

When baby mice are together in their litter, there is a constant, squirmy game of "king of the hill" going on, with each mousie trying to clumsily climb to the top of the mousepile, only to have a sibling climb on top, and then another and another, until eventually mousie #1 gets out from under the usurpers and makes its way back to the top.

I'm not sure what the survival instinct is up to, to drive such activity, but it could have to do with the constantly shifting balance between the necessity for the little not-quite-furry ones to keep warm within the pile versus the necessity to come up for a bite of air and avoid overheating.

And, if you think about your hand from the "view" of a baby mouse that hasn't even opened its eyes yet, your fingers sure seem like a bunch of littermates!  Mousie may prefer to keep climbing into your hand because it is trying to play "king of the hill" with your fingers.  Since sleeping in the mousepile is the most natural place, and since your fingers are the closest thing mousie currently has to that, try to let your little friend spend as generous an amount of time there as you can afford.
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1 - Never had mice or rats as pets before... Empty Re: Never had mice or rats as pets before...

Post by DesiDawnD36 Mon 20 Jul 2020, 8:59 pm

She has started to open her eyes. YAY!!! Uh oh!!! I m completely broke until the first... that being said what options are there for me to transition her from just formula to other foods as well in the mean time? I don't have much in the way of food stuffs either. HELP!?

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